We finally hit 1000 subscribers!! - Channel Update News (June 13, 2018)
We have finally hit 1000 subscribers! Here are some new update on this channel:
1. We have changed our logo, which represents the meaning of K2. 2. Choir version videos will be uploaded on 15th or 16th each month. 3. New type of video: anime opening/ending quiz now considering. We need your opinion!
About the video:
The text-to-speech voice used: Emilio (Child) from Acapela Box
Acapela Box site: https://acapela-box.com/AcaBox/index.php
Our first choir version video: https://youtu.be/rrg5rTqvb0w
Our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/ksquaremusic
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/k2musicchannel
Background music: Night Dreams from http://www.freesfx.co.uk